Thursday, January 07, 2016

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Can Wenger survive not winning the title this season?opinions

There are those that will never be satisfied until Arsene Wenger is gone, they have taken a position and that is it, does not matter if he wins the title or not, they just want him gone.

Then there are those that want Wenger to stay as long as he can, they believe in him and his philosophy no matter what, if he fails to win the title they would not care as long as the boss stays.

Finally, there are those that will wait and decide after the season has been completed, like they have done over the last couple of seasons and come to the conclusion that he is a winner once again following those FA Cup triumphs.

Consistent champions league football is enough for many, FA Cup wins are enough for many, while nothing short of the title is unacceptable.

Personally, I am of the opinion that Wenger has to win the title this year, we simply cannot go another season without doing so, we have the money, the players and support, all we need is a manager that can deliver that elusive title, if Wenger cannot do it this year then the time is for someone else to have a crack at it.

Yes, it is nice winning a couple of cups, yes it is nice playing champions league football, but I don’t want nice, I want glory, I want that feeling of knowing we are the best and for too many years Wenger has failed to provide that feeling.

Too many times we have come within striking distance of the major trophies only to fall short, mainly because the manager has failed to strengthen or the medical department has been unable to prevent so many injuries occurring.

No one can say that Wenger has not been given enough time, every other major club would have dispensed with his services years ago, the fact that we do not do that is not necessarily a good thing.

So no, I do not think Wenger can survive not winning the title this season.


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